UDH - Does the cleanse affect the good gut bacteria?

All bacteria has a life cycle and needs to be replenished. The Ultimate Digestive Health Cleanse is designed to promote optimal digestive health. 

The idea behind the cleanse is to remove toxins, rebuild gut health, and replenish or restore good bacteria! 

We've included Ultimate Probiotics as an essential part of the cleanse to help increase and balance the number of good bacteria in your system during and after the cleanse.

What recommendations do we have to promote good bacteria? 

To restore balance to the gut microflora, consider eating foods that are natural sources of probiotics and prebiotics. Common foods that contain probiotics are yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut and other fermented foods. Common foods that are rich in prebiotics include Jerusalem artichoke, globe artichoke, leeks, onions and asparagus. In addition, taking a daily supplement with probiotics and/or prebiotics can help maintain balance in the gut microflora.

UDH contains a probiotic but how effective is the probiotic without a prebiotic?

Taking a probiotic supplement without a prebiotic is effective. Probiotics have the ability to adhere to cells that line the intestinal, urinary, and genital tracts. They work, in part, by crowding out the “bad” bacteria. A diet with an optimal amount of prebiotics can help to further stimulate the growth and activity of the probiotics. So eating foods rich in prebiotics or taking a prebiotic supplement can offer added value.

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